Carprog V7.28 Carprog Full Newest Version ECU Programmer With All 21 Items Adapters
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Top 3 Reasons To Get Carprog V7.28:
1. Latest Version: V7.28
2. With All 21 Adapters
3. Support Airbag Reset Function Well
Notice: 1. Please install it on Windows XP System.
2. This CARPROG could not support odometer fuction, it is just for airbag function, and it could not support 24c*** or eeprom chips.
1. Make the Universal tool - CARPROG inside have powerful 16-bit MPU and full set of automotive interface drivers. In basic version you will get hardware with extra functions: 12 input/output pins forEEPROM in-circuit programmer, future possibility's to make on the same hardware Microcontroller programmer, K-line diagnostic,CAN line diagnostic,+5V/+12V output, USB, power supply only from USB.
2. Make the Low Cost tool - with CARPROG basic you will receive many extra functions (like car radio code calculator CC1, EEPROM
programmer and VAG dashboard's programmer by CAN) and all additional software's you can buy extra according your need.
3. Make it User Friendly - Windows XP software, works without any installations, on all PC, use USB to PC link, all adapters schematics diagrams on-line.
4.The best function of it is airbag reset,and it can not do by antenna.
CARPROG FULL V7.28 Softwares:
ECU-for OPEL - for OPEL login reader from motor hybrid ECU. Works for Bosch ME1.5.5, for Siemens SIMTEC71, SIMTEC71.1, Delco Diesel, Delco Multec.
For OPEL CAN - for Opel ECU by CAN programmer - read/change mileage in EDC16, MT35E, HSFI 2.2 read PIN, reset ECU
PSG16 - for Opel PSG16 diesel pump by OBDII - read/change mileage, read PIN, reset ECU
OPEC28 - for Opel Siemens Simtec ECU Tool Advanced
Carprog Full Airbag:
S5.1 - VAG (for Audi, for V-W, for Sko-da, for Seat) Airbag Reset Tool
S5.2 - For B-MW Airbag Reset Tool
S5.3 - For Mer-cedes Benz Airbag Reset Tool
S5.4 - For FO-RD Airbag Reset Tool
S5.5 - For G-M Airbag Reset Tool by OBDII
S5.6 - CARPROG CR16 Airbag tool - for Audi, for Mercedes, for Ford, for Volvo
S5.7 - For Ren-ault Airbag reset tool
S5.8 - For Peu-geot Airbag Reset tool
S5.9 - For Citro-en Airbag Reset tool
S5.10 - For Ho-nda Airbag Reset tool
S5.11 - For Au-di Airbag reset tool by direct connection to EEPROM or MPU
S5.14 - For Fo-rd Airbag Reset tool by direct connection to EEPROM or MPU
S5.16 - For Hyu-ndai Airbag Reset tool
S5.17 - For KI-A Airbag Reset tool
S5.18 - For Le-xus Airbag Reset tool
S5.19 - For Ro-ver Airbag Reset tool
S5.21 - For Ma-zda Airbag Reset tool
S5.22 - For Mitsu-bishi airbag reset tool
S5.23 - For Nis-san Airbag reset tool
S5.20 - For Me-rcedes Benz Airbag Reset tool by direct connection
S5.25 - For O-pel Airbag reset tool by direct connection
S5.27 - For Sa-ab Airbag reset tool by direct connection
S5.28 - For Su-baru Airbag reset tool by direct connection
S5.30 - For To-yota Airbag reset tool by direct connection
S5.31 - For A-lfa Romeo Airbag Reset Tool
S5.32 - For F-iat Airbag Reset Tool
S5.33 - For P-orsche Airbag Reset Tool
S5.34 - For S-uzuki Airbag Reset Tool
S5.35 - For Volv-o Airbag Reset Tool
S5.36 - For Dae-woo Airbag Reset Tool
3. CarProg Full Dash:
S7.1 - VAG CAN programmer
S7.2 - CarProg Dashboard programming
S7.3 - CarProg Dashboard programming package update
S7.4 - For Mercedes Benz ASSYST explorer
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